Just fitted a Suter slipper clutch and have a few questions for anyone out there who's been running one in an SD.
First off, I got mine off Ebay so it has been fitted to another bike before. There is a lock washer that fits beneath the large central nut. This lock washer had a tab that was bent underneath the washer and this fitted into a groove on the clutch. The fitting instructions from KTM say that once the nut is fitted and torqued down to "bend the lock washer down" but it doesn't show in the pictures what they mean. There doesn't seem to be anything or anywhere to bend it - at least not in a way that would prevent the nut unscrewing. I just used Locktite and torqued as recommended. Can anyone tell me this is OK or explain how the washer is meant to work?
Second, I used the 1300N spring washer as recommended. Has anyone experimented with the other two strength springs?
Third. When I test rode it, (only a short ride), everything seems to be fine, very smooth down-changes however quick you let out the clutch. Clutch action is lighter than original. First time I ever used a slipper clutch - very impressive. I tried dropping it two/three gears at higher speeds and dumping the clutch and a few times I felt a 'judder' through the clutch lever as the clutch slipped and then engaged. Is this normal and is it meant to happen?
Original clutch
Suter slipper clutch
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