I think I'm going to do this date at Chuckwalla.
Could be convinced to roll the SD, if some of you nuts can muster for the event.
Just off the phone with Dusitn - they are going clockwise that day (weekend, if you're racing).
2012-01-13 19:22:00 UTC
2012-01-13 19:51:00 UTC
Unfortunately I will be in Australia all of March and 1st week of April. Looking to get out there last half of April.
2012-01-13 20:05:00 UTC
Post missing.
2012-01-23 19:21:00 UTC
Unless you're running the race ("A") group, this date is sold out.
2012-01-26 20:29:00 UTC
Completely sold out at this point (waitlist only).