To track days that are model specific to the SD.
I've got the clutch slave and a water pump repair kit to go along with the usual stuff.
I've got extra levers, I need an extra set of pegs/ rearset's with controls if anyone wants to sell their stock stuff.
anything else.
(Still got a set, so no need to offer yours or your mates)
trackday junkie
2011-05-30 17:11:00 UTC
2011-05-30 17:26:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-05-30 17:30:00 UTC
A large adjustable spanner and a small peice of leather.
This is for bending the footrest lugs back out should they bend in on impact from a crash
This is for bending the footrest lugs back out should they bend in on impact from a crash
trackday junkie
2011-05-31 02:29:00 UTC
,Love your attitude PRE ,....But, sooner or later we all fall down.
Guess I should have asked who has had what break at the track?
Guess I should have asked who has had what break at the track?
Twisted Jester
2011-05-31 14:19:00 UTC
Parts wise I usually just take extra levers and footpegs, and cable ties and superglue for bodged repairs, did the trick on Razys broken throttle housing last year
I'd like to add a spare foot brake and gear lever but haven't got round to buying any, I could live without the rear brake if necessary though.
I'd like to add a spare foot brake and gear lever but haven't got round to buying any, I could live without the rear brake if necessary though.
2011-05-31 15:11:00 UTC
Spare levers, spare pegs. Full took kit in the van so hopefully if it can be repaired, I can get back out on track.
2011-05-31 18:48:00 UTC
trackday junkie
2011-05-31 19:47:00 UTC
It depends on how fare away and how many days we are talking about.
Several days and fare away (Spain): I bring an extra bike (in my van)
Several days and fare away (Spain): I bring an extra bike (in my van)
2011-06-01 22:35:00 UTC
I know what breaks when I've Fu^k up. More concerned with what happens with normal wear and tear on the SDR motors.
I know what breaks when I've Fu^k up. More concerned with what happens with normal wear and tear on the SDR motors.
trackday junkie
2011-06-01 23:36:00 UTC
Make sure you bring biscuits, but hide them from Ginger
And petrol.
And petrol.
2011-06-01 23:43:00 UTC
GINGER hangs at Colabogie -I'm fu*ked!
2011-06-07 03:09:00 UTC
Learned a bunch from here: