2011-02-10 15:57:00 UTC
I put new plastic on Mrs D4D's 300. She promised to ride this downhill herself. She made it... mostly
2011-02-10 17:56:00 UTC
That looks like and excellent day. Very jealous. Single track here is usually through the hilly woods with lots of bar bashing fun.
2011-02-10 19:40:00 UTC
You mean like this?...
2011-02-10 19:44:00 UTC
Now I really hate you.
There is a lot of undergrowth here that crowds in, but yeah - just like that. I hope your snow goes soon (or at least gets off your trails).
There is a lot of undergrowth here that crowds in, but yeah - just like that. I hope your snow goes soon (or at least gets off your trails).
2011-02-10 20:07:00 UTC
That looks friggin' orsm. V- jealous. I live in a place this hilly --------------------------------