I know it's not my 1290 SD-R but a couple of friends with kTM 950 Super Enduros and I took a few day ride a couple of weekends ago. Took me a while to actually go thru all of the video footage from our ride, and create a ride report that's hopefully worth reading.... but here it is (pretty sure you don't have to be a member to read the report):
http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/t ... 0.1296988/
if you just want to see the video:
2018-04-26 16:38:00 UTC
2018-04-26 17:05:00 UTC
Good film sequence, those trails look fun, though I'd rather do them on my WR250 than a 950 Super Enduro - much easier to pick it up when the inevitable happens,