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990 superduke disc bolts

No. 47

No. 47

2015-07-20 15:55:00 UTC

are the disc bolts any particular size or are they just a standard bolt ,I want to put some titanium or stainless ones on in place of the rusty ones on at the moment but can not see them listed , lots on for other Ktm models ,any body know what will fit. ,thanks



2015-07-20 16:06:00 UTC

61009062018 SPECIAL SCREW M8X18



2015-07-20 17:51:00 UTC

Why do Ktm do them in a 18 length when everbody that does stainless or titanium has them in 16 or 20 mm off the shelf, looks like silver paint could be out , or will have to get them in 20 and get a engineering firm to take a bit off , nothing is ever easy ,