Hi there,
Got a new one (for me). Left the 990 (~30,000kms on it) sitting for about 2 ½ weeks while I was away with work, and when I started it up yesterday, noticed a hot oil smell (even the wife picked up on it). So stopped it, checked the oil level in the clear tube, which showed nada. No big oil leaks evident in the garage, and remember it being on the low side, but in range before I left. However, being on the way to work, with the caffeine not kicked in yet, wasn’t in a place to think about it enough. So whipped off the side covers and stuck the remaining 5-600mL of oil I had left into the tank. Started, let it warm up to 6 bars again, stopped it and checked, and now had enough oil to get a viewing in the tube, although still on the low side. Figured I’d grab some more oil on the way home from work.
Must have been nagging at me though because that oil had to have gone somewhere, so stopped a couple of k’s up the road and checked the oil again, and lo, the tank was full. Dunno why I didn’t think of it earlier, as I also have a Norton which is notorious for wet sumping, and I’ll have to dump the oil and stick it back in the tank before I give it a kick next time (after finding someone to hone the rear master cylinder, different story). So clearly over the two weeks, the oil has dribbled its way down into the crankcase (or possibly gearbox too, seeing as it didn’t get back into the tank until it had covered some ground). Tried the search here, and did find mention of at least one other user who couldn’t check his oil until he’d ridden a few blocks, so presumably had a wet sumping engine as well.
Anyway, long story short, the bike is going in for its second major service on Friday, with this being on the list of things for them to look at (other issues being air getting into front brake system somewhere-have to pump it plenty to get decent lever back every few days, and exhaust popping-presumably because graphite seals are gone). Have any of you guys come across wet sumping before? Is it indicative of anything? Is there a one way valve that presumably isn’t working/partially blocked? Or a seal/wear in the intake oil pump maybe?
2016-03-02 02:05:00 UTC
2016-03-02 02:26:00 UTC
The only thing I can think of is the valve on your oil tank is stuck open. I also have the issue with air getting into the brakes, and I'm hoping it's not time to rebuild the MC. However my bike is at 30,000 miles.
To the right of the wrench:

To the right of the wrench:

2016-03-02 02:48:00 UTC
ah yep, I remember this sucker when I last did an oil change. it's probably got some shit stuck in it holding it open.
Cheers for the advice. And yeah, the brakes are a pain in the you know what, and they've definitely been getting gradually worse. I'll let you know what the dealer comes up with there.
Cheers for the advice. And yeah, the brakes are a pain in the you know what, and they've definitely been getting gradually worse. I'll let you know what the dealer comes up with there.
2016-03-07 00:20:00 UTC
Just an update on the brakes Aphex. The dealer bled them, and there's some improvement, although hard to say as haven't done much with it since then. Expect the issue is unresolved, but kind of glad they didn't waste my time and money scratching their heads about it.
Also, wet sumping seems gone, presumably whatever shit was holding the valve open dislodged itself, although I am off for work for nearly two weeks shortly, so I should know for sure when I get back. Apparently wire screen in there looked clean, although the oil was very dirty (even though I change it once between scheduled services). Hoping that eventually it stops burning oil and coking the stuff in the system up eventually, but not so far...
Also, wet sumping seems gone, presumably whatever shit was holding the valve open dislodged itself, although I am off for work for nearly two weeks shortly, so I should know for sure when I get back. Apparently wire screen in there looked clean, although the oil was very dirty (even though I change it once between scheduled services). Hoping that eventually it stops burning oil and coking the stuff in the system up eventually, but not so far...
2016-03-21 02:51:00 UTC
Righto, just back from nearly 2 weeks away with work. The brakes are the same (i.e. pulled to the bar with little effort). Brake/hydraulics aren't my thing, but guess I'll have a crack. Hopefully it's just a master cylinder kit and rebuild .
ah shit. Just searched on the forum, and it's looking like I'll need a complete replacement master cylinder...haven't been able to find a kit yet.
ah shit. Just searched on the forum, and it's looking like I'll need a complete replacement master cylinder...haven't been able to find a kit yet.
2016-03-21 12:24:00 UTC
There is no kit