OK got the HP corse pipes fitted, Re mapped first to guys map but found the throttle response sum-what soft so tried the smoothened Akra map 06. Great stuff. Very responsive and smooth throughout the rev range with more torque but then the price, clutch starts slipping at peak torque.
Bikes done 26K, I was going to try heavy duty springs first and see what happened but then I saw a clutch on ebay that is supposed to be from a low mileage SDR but it has a different outer spring plate to mine, it looks like steel? and it is mainly flat no ribs.
Then I saw a very similar (Identical looking) clutch from a (same low mileage) 1190 RC8 called an ADLER clutch. He says the clutch fits all RC8 motors. Looks like 2 ads for same part with different discriptions to widen the market.
Can anyone tell me if there is indeed a different clutch in the R and if so is it an upgrade and is it the same as the 1190 clutch.
An upgraded clutch sounds like a good idea to me.
2016-05-25 20:05:00 UTC
No. 47
2016-05-25 20:42:00 UTC
The Jim Aim Racing website lists the SDR parts where different from the SD here - http://shop.jimaimracing.co.uk/acatalog ... 07-12.html - so some, at least, of clutch parts appear to be different - you''d need to cross compare individual part numbers to be sure and ditto re RC8 parts.
I have spare low mileage (2k) OE SDR clutch hub, basket, pressure plate, springs, etc if you want to try before you buy.
I have spare low mileage (2k) OE SDR clutch hub, basket, pressure plate, springs, etc if you want to try before you buy.