2015-12-18 12:08:00 UTC
I've checked all the fuses and they are all OK. But there is power going to the instruments because the red light for the alarm blinks when ignition is turned off.
There is this old thread on here. The same symptoms are being described.
Maybe my clocks are wet inside.
No. 47
2015-12-18 12:32:00 UTC
2015-12-19 08:33:00 UTC
If i remember correct you've got a gipro gear indicator right?
If so: just ride up and down the street and see if it still displays the right gears. If so, your clocks are still receiving the speed and rpm signalen but not displaying them. Therefore: clocks are dead.
This is what i did anyway. But my clocks were faulty since i had the bike. As soon as i disconnected the battery they would rest completely, odo, trips, clocks everything back to 0
After replacement i opened up the dead clocks, all looked fine, no real sign of moisture inside. Only thing i found was a small crack in the glass. So it could have been moisture.
Here is my topic btw:
2015-12-19 09:13:00 UTC
2015-12-19 09:38:00 UTC
Nampus. When you fitted new clocks did they just plug and play? The local KTM dealer to me told me yesterday that I would have to have the new unit programmed to match my bike and the KTM alarm that's fitted otherwise it won't work. (of course they say they will have to charge me for this and it will take about half and hour!!!) Did you have to do this?
No. 47
2015-12-19 09:59:00 UTC
2015-12-19 12:56:00 UTC
I took of the dead clocks, plugged in the new ones, and they worked straight away, so the problem on my bike was definitely the clocks itself.
But keep in mind i don't have an alarm fitted. This might change things.
2015-12-19 13:04:00 UTC
I dried out the dismantled clocks in the airing cupboard over night. When I refitted them this morning they were still not working so I rang Jim Aim KTM place and ordered up a new set of instruments. The previous comments are right and so I supplied them with the old mileage and they can get the new ones preset to match.
So then I set off to do some Christmas shopping and as soon as I set of they clocks flash on and seem OK again. But then a few seconds later off again. The whole journey, about ten miles they are intermittent and sometimes just reads a load of abstract patterns on the LCD display. I resign myself that they are damaged and ignore them. But then setting off home again they come on with the ignition and have been faultless for the last 20 miles or so. I can't get them to not work now! They seem OK.
So I ring Jim Aim and ask them to hold the order for a few days to see what happens as I don't want to spend £270 for something I don't need.
I hate these intermittent electrical issues. Drives me mad.
2015-12-19 13:07:00 UTC
2015-12-19 15:07:00 UTC
I give up. Expensive decision but if it is moisture then it will only keep re-occurring now because I ride a lot in the rain and I can't be doing with not knowing if it will work one day to another. On the way back I asked myself if I could live without the instruments. Funny because the only thing I really, really need is the petrol warning light!
2015-12-19 22:07:00 UTC
2015-12-20 05:41:00 UTC
2015-12-20 11:06:00 UTC
I just took it totally apart to see what Silverbear was describing and I find that several of these tiny pins are so bent that they weren't actually fitting into the small holes. Some plonker had disassembled the unit and when they'd put it back together hadn't aligned the pins with all the holes. I will have a go at straightening them out and see what happens.
Here's a picture, my phone camera isn't so good but you can more or less see what the issue is.
I should say that when I disassembled my own unit I never took it apart this much. I only removed the front cover so that any moisture could be dried out. To get the graphic panel off and access the PCB and take off the LCD screen you have to remove the rev counter needle and unclip a few plastic housings. I din't want to do this unless I have to but now the unit has stopped working I might have a look as I've nothing to loose now.
2015-12-20 11:17:00 UTC
Post missing.
2015-12-20 11:49:00 UTC
2015-12-20 21:27:00 UTC
The pins are a pain as they are small and easily bend. I took that connector of a few time as I had the speedo stop working suddenly and it wasn't the sensor.
After carefully cleaning the small connector on the back and putting it together the issue disappeared.
2015-12-21 00:01:00 UTC
Literally comb them straight from the board to the ends, then use the comb to hold them parallel when inserting them into the sockets.
2015-12-21 06:14:00 UTC
2015-12-21 13:27:00 UTC
My other working unit stopped working again yesterday so I've decided to go ahead and buy the new unit. But I will try and do the fix on the broken one and see if I can get it working again.
One other bit of advice. When dismantling the unit try not to do it on a table where the kids have been making Christmas cards and the place is covered in that fine glitter. It gets everywhere and you cannot get it all cleaned off. Thank goodness this was just a spare set and not a potentially good one.
2015-12-21 19:54:00 UTC
2015-12-23 13:00:00 UTC
Now, A few weeks ago, on my first ride after washing the bike, I had moisture inside the lens that was covering the speed and after a few hours it dried out and went away. I imagine that THAT has something to do with my issue but again, not wanting to open it up not knowing what to look for inside. I keep my bike inside the garage and it rarely sees rain.
Best of luck trying to figure out electrical gremlins Bic.
2015-12-24 01:48:00 UTC
2015-12-24 17:46:00 UTC
Post missing.
2015-12-27 10:51:00 UTC
I got the factory to pre-set the mileage onto them so it reads right. When they are first fitted the calibration is set to kph so you have to change it to mph by holding down the mode button for 12 seconds. Graphics and outer plastic moulding have changed with the new model but the connections and attachment is identical. Unit just plugged in and worked so the KTM dealer in Crawley who told me it needed programming to match the alarm and ecu were wrong.
Here's the old and new for comparison.
2015-12-28 15:54:00 UTC
These appeared on the bay! ... SwwE5WYCc~
Has a new unit solved your issue then?
2015-12-28 19:10:00 UTC
The one on eBay is listed as nog working.
I'm surprised they came from the factory set to khp instead op mph.
My bike was imported from the UK, and every time I disconnected the battery, the clocks reset, and they started back in mph instead of kph. Temp was in fahrenheit as well.
I figured you guys would get clocks set for mph from the factory.
2015-12-29 07:56:00 UTC
New unit has solved all the problems so far but I guess it will take a few months of being paranoid that it will fail. i had to give the bike a proper jet wash yesterday to get rid of winter dirt and there was no condensation in the face so that seems reassuring.