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2015-06-04 21:54:00 UTC

I read a bit about the warranty-voiding quickshifter situation. It's true, not just theoretical, you will lose a shim using the Bazaaz quickshifter. I'd rather not say how I know this, now, too late to avoid it. Anyway my question now is an obvious one - who wants to sell me their motor? ...just kidding. My real question is what quickshifter does work on the 1290, safely. Does the Dynojet really cut fuel and spark? That should do it right? And out of curiosity, how was this not an issue on the RC8R? I never experienced a shim popping problem over-revving it or using any of the three different quickshifters we used in the four seasons we raced them. What's changed?



2015-06-04 22:57:00 UTC

I'll come in and save you before the "search" police flame you

In brief: Fuel cut works a treat as the spark behaviour on 1290 motor is oddly different to the late 1190 motor on the RC8R and thus aggressively (for lack of a better word) ignites the unburnt fuel resulting in a possible popped shim. As of yet I haven't found any evidence of how a duel cut (ignition and spark), possible on the dynojet with ignition module, would behave. Short answer, FUEL CUT ONLY (for now at least).



2015-06-04 23:29:00 UTC

Hate to go "told you" on you gogo.

I would like to help so pm me if you want other solutions.
I'm not posting this public as I tried to get a company on board to get this made but I'm happy to help you out.
There will be a bike for auction here too (my 14 accident damaged) with a good engine soon but don't think it will be economically relevant to send it up to you.

Look forward to see you back on the track soon!



2015-06-05 05:55:00 UTC

I love search police. Any police actually. Especially if they're women.

Thanks for the links and the offer for help. My fault for not knowing about this before hand. There are so many things I don't know it's scary. And the older I get the longer the list gets. WTF

I will pm you in the morning ktmguy, thanks for the offer. No damage motor done luckily. Not a scratch anywhere. What a holeshot though, our bike lunged for the air off the line but only a bit. It started to climb higher so I short-shifted it rather than backing off. It stayed there, we cleared the field, then it started rising again so I short shifted into third as well. It carried all the way into the brakes for turn one. Longest launch wheelie I've gotten, which was still a great holeshot. It was an epic moment, until I rolled out and threw her into turn one - then I heard the ticking... Maybe it was the excess fuel from the short shifts that put it over the edge. First problem I've had with this. Lesson learned.

What a bike I couldn't love it more



2015-06-05 10:11:00 UTC

Can't help with the quick shifter, BUT I want to see the video of that launch



2015-06-05 16:22:00 UTC




2015-06-06 01:58:00 UTC





2015-06-06 19:29:00 UTC

I wanted to make it to Thunderhill but couldn't get away. Rats.



2015-06-12 23:58:00 UTC

Just received final word from Bazzaz - they have no intention to update their quick shifter systems for the 1290 Superduke. The impression I get from their communication is they don't think it's their problem to fix. They note that this is the only bike they've heard of where the manufacturer blamed valve train issues on a quick shifter.

Looks like we'll be doing the chicken-wing next round...



2015-06-13 01:08:00 UTC

What kind of cut times were you using?