Can this be fixed up ? I'm going to get an Oberon one anyway but is there a fix up that'll get me through a couple of weeks waiting for the new one? It's leaking but still works. A little too much oil around the rear wheel for my liking though.
Anyone had success chasing KTM for a new one using "Not fit for purpose" type trade practise mumbo jumbo?
Seeker 77
2015-06-06 09:57:00 UTC
No. 47
2015-06-06 15:38:00 UTC
I've just fitted an Oberon one, it took forever to bleed and still doesn't properly release the plates. So when cold it stalls when you put it in gear. Maybe it just needs time to bed in but not impressed
Seeker 77
2015-06-06 15:48:00 UTC
Did you bleed from bottom up and/or bleed master cylinder?
No. 47
2015-06-06 16:02:00 UTC
Top down and yes bled master cylinder about twenty times!
Seeker 77
2015-06-06 16:22:00 UTC
Mine went and left me stranded.
Luckily was a week after id returned from a 1000 mile tour so was pretty thankful.
Replaced with oberon.
Bled and been fine ever since.
Luckily was a week after id returned from a 1000 mile tour so was pretty thankful.
Replaced with oberon.
Bled and been fine ever since.
No. 47
2015-06-06 16:29:00 UTC
Post missing.
Seeker 77
2015-06-06 18:19:00 UTC
Post missing.
No. 47
2015-06-06 23:15:00 UTC
No. 47
2015-06-07 02:57:00 UTC
It seems like this is a part that should've been redesigned and recalled. I don't know what other countries have in ways of legal help but I believe in 'straya if a part is clearly shit like these Magura slaves are you can argue for free replacement.
Long weekend. Leaky bike. Spewin'
Long weekend. Leaky bike. Spewin'
Seeker 77
2015-06-07 08:38:00 UTC
Post missing.