2017-07-26 05:13:00 UTC
At this stage it's fairly minor so will just keep an eye on it for now.
2017-07-26 13:41:00 UTC
Make sure that the crankcase breather tube from the alternator and into the air box is not restricted in anyone(blocked up or the one way valve is around the wrong way or is kinked,squashed).Early SD's may not have a one way valve.Reason being if the crankcase is unable to breath correctly,crankcase pressure will build up and oil will seep out gaskets.If oil is blowing out the breather(check your air cleaner for excessive oil build up)which can restrict breathing,then replace the balancer shaft seal which is inside the alternator cover.I replace mine every 15000kms as preventative maintainance.Cheers
2017-07-26 19:21:00 UTC
It has a Motohooligan air box, will have a look to see what the breather set up is
2017-09-24 15:58:00 UTC
2017-09-24 23:53:00 UTC
Sorry I can't help but mine is seeping now too.
2017-09-25 00:30:00 UTC
Post missing.
2017-09-25 02:23:00 UTC
The other bummer is the weathers just turned good and it's my only bike so I have to order all the parts in advance (KTM New Zealand basically carries nothing in stock) so that I can do it in one hit because every time I order something it can be a 3 week wait!
A 3 week wait!Luxury.I ordered a heap of parts for a full rebuild of my 990sm 6 weeks ago and still waiting on a few parts.
A 3 week wait!Luxury.I ordered a heap of parts for a full rebuild of my 990sm 6 weeks ago and still waiting on a few parts.
2017-09-25 08:50:00 UTC
Man 6 weeks, that sucks!
No. 47
2018-02-13 04:02:00 UTC

Front cylinder off, looks all good in there.
Usually I use no sealant on gasket surfaces, I know Klink used some on the base gaskets on his timing chain walkthrough. What's the consensus, sealant or no? (I'd probably use 3 bond if I was going to but I'm probably tending towards none)
2018-02-13 08:55:00 UTC
There's no mention in the manual of using extra sealant on the gasket, so I would go with no sealant.
2018-02-13 09:56:00 UTC
As per my post in CK's thread viewtopic.php?f=18&t=21245&p=257997&hilit=base+gasket#p257997, advice given and followed is to use sealant given quality of mating surfaces and corrosion pitting - lot's of similar advice on re LC8 eg ... t-31981607