Well I went out to start the bike a few days after purchase and it cranked over but would not start. It seemed like it was starving for gas but I could smell gas from the exhausts. After I depleted the battery I went and bought a tender and plugged her in. The bike started after the tender charged the battery a bit.
I also called the dealership as I have only had the bike a week.
They gave me a new battery and apologized as the bike was on a tender in the shop and storage over the winter
I thought all was good until after installing the battery I saw smoke coming from the connector that connects the stator to the rectifier via cable. The smoke was on the stator side. I thought maybe that some liquid got in there as the bike had recently been washed.
I pulled it out of the garage and ran it for a while, the smoke stopped and I took it for a 30 min spin. All was fine
The next morning the bike wont start again. It cranks but does not fire.
5 min on the tender and it cranks. I call the dealership and decide to leave it overnight again.
Next morning same result. Though I will say the battery is fine for restarts after running so I think the alternator/stator are still working
I take it to the dealer and they said the battery terminals were a little loose, they tightened them and the bike started right up. They also said that they ordered a new rectifier as it was a concern for me.
Now for the questions and please help me here
1. Am I missing something is there some way I could be leaving a power drain on after removing the key? I know the euro spec bike has an extra light etc but I never had this problem on my 08.
2. Could the connector be smoking due to moisture?
3. Do you think the problem is on the stator side? Does that need to be replaced also?
Attatched is a pic of the bastard smoking