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2014-02-15 01:12:00 UTC

Does anyone else experience some very slight seepage from their hose fittings while the bike is hibernating? We've had some very cold days this winter (down to -27) and while the bike is in the garage which is insulated (other than the doors) it's still gotten very cold in there.

So I'm getting some seeping near the thermostat but when I fired it up earlier this winter, all went dry and stayed that way until it got extremely cold again.

I know that mine and the wife's cars will sometimes drop a bit of coolant on the driveway in the cold so I'm thinking it's just contracting hoses in the cold.

And I replaced a lot of the hose clamps last year with worm gear clamps (although I may have over-tightened them).

Anyone else?



2014-02-15 01:32:00 UTC

Never had that experience with the SD (nor has it been exposed to any real cold), but I've had similar occurrences with other bikes/vehicles in cold places.

I guess when it warms up, and you can start riding again, I'd keep a close eye on the coolant level and these same "leaky" spots to see if it continues on the first few outings.

Until then, I wouldn't worry a whole lot about it - things do contract in the cold ...



2014-02-17 13:13:00 UTC

one summer i kept smelling coolant but could not find the source. finally one day i started the thing and looked at everything carefully.
found a pin hole between the hose and radiator, the leak was only visible when pressurized, it looked like a hair stretched between the hose and radiator!
so i ordered up a full set of Samco hoses and clamps and that was that. pain changing everything out though!
prbably a rare isolated case though.



2014-02-24 14:09:00 UTC

i just pulled bike out of garage last week after a 2 month+ hybernation. i too found some coolant like you state. i checked bolts and was amazed how loose they were. i did a little hand snug on all bolts and i dont see any more leak. not sure how bolts would loosen up over time like that but somehow they did