I don't think we have a section for our favorite tools/products for working in the garage so I figured I'd start a post and see if members will ad their own favorites.
For example, I usually wear disposable gloves. I have 3 open boxes in the garage right now, and my favorites are Gloveworks orange nitrile. They are dimpled so it's easier to hang on to parts/tools even with an oily or greasy glove.

They are so damn good, that sometimes I finish working and they are a little greasy or oily but have zero tears. I'm able to take them off, hang them from my garage wall peg board and re-use them.
The black gloves and blue gloves I have are much thinner and they tear quickly. I'm trying to use them up and every time I wear one they tear. I'm just about to throw both boxes away.
The tool set I just bought and I'm pretty happy with is Pit Posse 3/8ths Drive Spanner T Handle Rotating Metric Tool Set

I paid $20 through a local seller on Craigslist.org and they've become the spanners of choice when working on the SD.